Monday, January 4, 2010

The Challenge: 100 Recipes in 365 Days with Jamie Oliver

2010 is going to be a great year! Having watched Julie and Julia has inspired me to do something exciting for the next year and blog about my experience. I'm am embarking on a recipe challenge to learn more about cooking with different types of foods that I am not accustomed to.

Jamie Oliver is my favorite chef and I still remember the pre-TiVo days when I stayed up till 3:00am watching his shows on the Food Network.

Don't worry, I am still keeping my day job! But I will always welcome a visit from or to Jamie Oliver's kitchen!

My first shopping experience has already been challenging and I am excited to get this blog started.

Stay tuned and I hope I will be a busy man this year. Hopefully, I will not end the year overweight, but having more great food experiences and obviously, dinner parties.


  1. I'm sure your friends will have a great 2010. 100 fewer meals to cook.

  2. oh, sure...NOW you start cooking, just as I leave for Florida. Do you deliver? When you come and visit and you cook for me?
